Keyword Competition (quick)

Keyword Competition (quick)

This will give you a quick overview of how hard it will be to rank your own website for a keyword.

The screenshot is shows at the very top the keyword you analyzed and the search engines used to pull the results and websites to compare against.

Search Snippets

There are also certain colored boxes with a single char on it that indicate what extra snippets are shown on the search result page. You see the details when moving your mouse over it. In this sample you see snippets for Adds, Places, Images, FAQs and Variations.

Finally you see the listing of all the websites that are returned when doing a search with the keyword on your choosen search engine. If the website is shown in light red it means it's using https, light green will show it's using http as protocol.

The next columns can have a green, yellow or red color which show if the keyword was found here. A green color shows it's not present, yellow shows it's partly present and red means it's present. These checks will later define the SEO-Score shown in the keyword listing. If everything is green, it will give you a 100% SEO-Score; everything red will give you a 0% SEO-Score.

A light green on a platform will show that this is a platform that can be easily owned (a “!” will be shown in the keyword listing in front of the SEO-Score value).

The rest of the columns are valuable extra data that can help you to decide whenever this keyword is something you want to consider for your later work or not. Some might need API Keys from other services that you can define in settings