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Proxy Options

The same dialog appears in many GSA tools. It might differ in it's design/skin, but the functions and options are all the same.

Proxy Listing

At the TOP you can switch between the proxy listing and options. The listing has several columns that should help to see what kind of proxy it is:

HOST - This holds the actual IP or Domain of the proxy. In case this proxy comes with a login or password, you will see it in the common format login:password@host.

Port - This holds the port where the proxy is listening on for connections

TYPE - This defines what kind of proxy it is. There are 4 kinds of proxy types such as:

  • CONNECT - a type of proxy that can be used for any protocol (not just HTTP/HTTPS)
  • WEB - a type that can only be used for WEB and often only allows HTTP traffic (no HTTPS)
  • SOCKS4/SOCKS5 - this type of proxy is usually more stable than CONNECT and can also be used for any type of protocol

SPEED - This shows how fast this proxy is. Anything below 1ms is usually OK, anything above might be slow, depending on where you use the proxy. The speed is measured between connect and first data received.

SOURCE - This shows where the proxy was taken from (e.g. what website was it listed on).

PRIV - Shows if this is a private or public proxy. A public proxy is usually one that is accessible by anyone as it is listed on a public website/forum. A private proxy is usually only accessible by you as you bought it somewhere.

ANO - This shows if this proxy is actually anonymous or not. You really should avoid any none anonymous proxy. You need to test a proxy against “ProxyJudge” to check if this one leaks your IP or not.

Below that listing you have four buttons:

Add Proxy - Here you can add your proxies or let the program search for public proxies.