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image_analyser [2013-08-28 12:22] thomasimage_analyser [2018-04-18 14:58] sven
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 * **Object counting**\\ * **Object counting**\\
-======GSA Image Analyser====== +**Video Tutorials**    
- +{{youtube>sQIPXScTDZ8?medium}} 
-======1. General information====== +{{youtube>HRc2xpJfEHk?medium}} 
- +{{youtube>0B5CUP5Xcp8?medium}} 
-The GSA Image Analyser is a tool specially designed for the creation and analysis of 2D image objects. The objects can be identified on the basis of their specific colouration and be distinguished  in this way from their environment. For an analysis the following automatic functions are provided :\\ +{{youtube>HisEiZ9R7lk?medium}} 
-• number of identified objects\\ +{{youtube>gdaWF6jG1zE?medium}} 
-• 2D object area computation \\ +{{youtube>EyZhlpjd5Ls?medium}}
-• object area ratio to total area (density)\\ +
-• determination of object length\\ +
-• counting of intersection points in a raster\\  +
-• visualization of colour distribution\\ +
- +
-Additional functions :\\ +
-• manual counting by marking areas\\ +
-• manual counting by image splitting\\ +
-• creation of images\\ +
-• image processing functions\\ +
- +
- +
-======2. Description of functions====== +
- +
-=====2.1 Creation of graphic data===== +
- +
-To create the required graphic data a Twain interface is provided. By means of this interface all optical devices such as scanner, digital cameras, video cameras or microscopes can be controlled by the program.  +
- +
- +
-=====2.2 Selection of devices===== +
- +
-To select the needed Twain device you have to use the menu item //File > Select Source//. A window appears listing all existing devices.   +
- +
-  +
-Figure 1. Device selection window +
- +
- +
- +
- +
-=====2.3 Scan ===== +
- +
-Use the menu item File > Scan in order to open the desired device program for the creation and export of image files. +
- +
-    +
-Figure 2. Scan mask +
- +
-In figure 2 a control program of a Canon colour picture scanner is shown. +
-Detailed operating instructions have to be extracted from the program documentation of the producer.  +
-In general you have to consider which colour mode or resolution of the target file is selected. The colour mode selection depends on how individual image objects differ from each other. If +
-a greyscale analysis allows a clear differentiation so the mode Greyscale can be reasonable. Otherwise the mode Colour has to be selected. +
-Concerning the image resolution you have to take into account that a higher resolution leads to a more precise analysis on the one hand. On the other hand it requires a longer processing time and more memory capacity. +
-Devices used for enlarging images (e.g. microscope) require the input of a magnification factor. A corresponding window appears automatically or can be opened by the menu item Options Magnification factor (see chapter 6.7). +
- +
-     +
-Figure 3. Input mask – magnification factor      Figure 4. Control mask - Mikokular (microscope) +
- +
- +
-If the magnification factor is unknown, such as at photographs made by a digital camera, it is necessary to take a test photo with a scale (e.g. ruler). The magnification factor then can be determined on the basis of  the difference between the scale and the length measuring of the scale done by the program after scanning (see chapter 4.3).  +
- +
- +
-=====2.4 Twain input mask===== +
- +
-To use the Twain input mask of the selected Twain device you have to activate the option File Show twain input mask. Otherwise it is tried to import the image on the basis of  standard settings : +
- +
-Scanner (default): +
-• resolution 100 dpi +
-• colour depth 24 Bit +
-• width 210 mm +
-• length 297 mm +
- +
-Mikrokular (microscope) +
-• resolution 320 x 240 dpi +
-• colour depth 24 Bit +
- +
- +
-=====2.5 Filemanagement===== +
- +
-====2.5.1 Open files==== +
- +
-By default the image file format MYP is offered. MYP is a program internal format, including a packed image without loss and additional needful information such as the magnification factor and more.  +
-Image files of the formats BMP and JPEG can be loaded too. In this case parameters concerning resolution, colour depth (menu item Options dpi and resolution) or magnification factor have to be defined manually (see chapter 6.6 and 6.7). +
- +
- +
-====2.5.2 Close files==== +
- +
-By default image files are stored in the format MYP (see chapter 2.5.1).  +
- +
-It is also possible to store it in a BMP format, but then all additional parameters (magnification factor …) get lost.  +
- +
-Please note : The image of the work space is stored in WYSIWYG mode. If the image should have been changed, these changes are stored too, e.g. raster display or display mode black/yellow (see chapter 6.3 and 3.2). +
- +
- +
-=====2.6 Create image objects===== +
- +
-This function provides the area computation of objects whose contours are captured by a graphic input device. +
- +
-====2.6.1 Create images==== +
-  +
-To create the image please select the menu item File Create. +
-  +
-  +
-Figure 4.: Creation of an image +
-  +
-The creation of a drawing area (A2 – A5) requires a calibrating of the input device (see Calibrate input device ).  +
- +
- +
- +
-====2.6.2 Calibrate input devices==== +
- +
-With this function the resolution capability of the mouse is determined (DPI) . +
- +
-  +
-Figure 5.: Calibrate the input device +
-  +
-1. Select calibration distance and unit +
-2. Press the left mouse button and go along the section of measurements  +
-  +
-Press the button System parameters mouse in order to configure the mouse, if the resolution of the mouse should be too large. A DPI value bigger then 500 leads to a slowdown of the program execution, because the image size has to be matched with these settings. +
- +
-Select the button Finish Calibration for applying the determined settings. +
- +
-====2.6.3 Draw objects==== +
- +
-It is possible to draw objects either on an empty work space (format DIN A2 – A5) or on a loaded template. +
- +
-Objects can be generated by two different methods :  +
-1)      Freehand +
-2)      Connected lines +
-  +
-1) Freehand +
-Set the mouse on the object (arrow or the like) first, press the left mouse button then and go around the object with the mouse button keeping pressed.  +
-After releasing the button the starting point will be connected automatically with the end point and the object is filled. +
-Please note : The starting point is located in the upper left region of the drawing area. The visible changes automatically when drawing (within the format definition A4, A5…). If the defined working space is left while drawing a system tone raises. +
-Press the button Apply to make the created image available in the main program (only available in a full version) for an automatic computation of the object area. +
-  +
-2) Connected lines +
-Set the mouse on the object and press the left mouse button. The starting point is marked on the drawing area as a small black point. Move the mouse to the next object point and press the left button. The points are connected automatically. Additional points have to be marked in the same way. +
-Press the right mouse button at last to connect the starting and end point. The object is filled automatically. +
-Please note : Keep the left button pressed to activate the auto scroll function. In this case press the right button to mark single points. Both buttons have to be released to finish the process. Press the right button once again and the object will be shown as described above. If the defined work space is left a system tone raises.  +
-Press the button Apply to transfer the created image to the main program (only available in a full version) for an automatic computation of the object area. +
- +
-The NUM buttons 4,8,6 and 2 can also be used for scrolling. +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
-=====2.7 Video interface===== +
-  +
- +
-As shown in figure 8 it is possible to import images directly  +
-by diverse video equipment such as frame grabber, video grabber etc. +
- +
-  +
-Figure 6. Video  +
-  +
-Select the desired video input and please enter the camera resolution +
-and magnification factor into the provided fields (seel also chapter +
-7.2 Calibration). Press then the button \’Picture\’ to import +
-the image as a snapshot in your programme. +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
-=====2.8 Stack processing===== +
- +
-In stack processing mode multiple images (e.g. image sequences) can be opened concurrently in a stack. The target is to generate a new image resulting from multiple source images. +
- +
-  +
-Figure 7. Opening in batch mode +
- +
- +
-====2.8.1 Data file list==== +
- +
-An unlimited number of images can be listed to generate the desired image stack. +
-The list entries can be sorted either automatically (click on column header) or manually (use right mouse button or button on the left side of the table or function keys F5 to F8). It is furthermore possible to rotate an image within the defined stack. To display an image on the monitor on the left side simply click on the corresponding list entry. All created lists can be stored for later processing. +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
-====2.8.2 Create a stack==== +
- +
-With a click on the button "Create stack" all images of the list will be merged into a stack in the given order. The result is to be seen on the monitor on the right. +
- +
- +
-====2.8.3 Monitor windows==== +
- +
-The monitor windows are intended to control images respectively to select images from the list. Several options for image scaling are offered. The mode "Scale" allows to zoom in and out by the function keys F9 or F10. +
- +
-  +
-Figure 8: Monitor windows +
- +
- +
-====2.8.4 Changing alpha values in the stack==== +
- +
-It is possible to change the visibility (alpha values) of single stack images in order to create individually a new image. +
- +
- +
- To change alpha values harmonically +
- +
- +
-  +
-Figure 9: To change alpha values harmonically +
- +
-With the left slide control it is possible to define the master image of the stack. For example, there are 10 images in the stack and the controller is at five, that means the 5th image is fully visible. All other images, lying before or behind, are damped visible corresponding to the slider on the right. Concerning our example we have the following alpha-values:  +
- +
-Image 1 : 0; Image 2 : 21; Image 3 : 99; Image 4 : 177; Image 5 : 255 +
-Image 6 : 177; Image 7 : 99; Image 8 : 21; Image 9 : 0; Image 10 : 0 +
- +
-That means, the images 1, 9 and 10 will have no influence on the resulting image. +
- +
-By moving the left slider you can go through the stack. The image blending is, corresponding to the setting of the right slider, more or less fluently (on 100 % the master image is equal to the output image). +
- +
- +
- To change alpha values individually +
- +
- +
-  +
-Figure 10: To change alpha values individually +
- +
- +
-With this setting you are able to set alpha values for every single image of the stack individually. The result (a blended image) is displayed in the right monitor window. An alpha value of 255 means a high visibility, 0 means invisibility.  +
- +
- +
-====2.8.5 To apply an image for the purpose of analysis==== +
- +
-After the completion of the image the result can be transferred to the main program. Press the button "Apply" to do so. You then will be asked to enter the image resolution, the file type and the used image magnification manually. These values are the basis for the following area or length calculation . +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
-====2.8.6 To change the location of images from stack==== +
- +
-It is possible to manipulate the location of all stack images to one another. For this purpose the serveral layers can be selected by a combobox. The images can be relocated in X/Y direction and also be rotated. The smallest rotation angle is 1/10 degree. +
- +
-  +
-Figure. To change location +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
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- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
-======3. Work space (canvas)====== +
- +
-All images loaded or manually created are displayed on the canvas. Use the menu item Edit Rotate 90 degrees to rotate the canvas by 90 degrees in a clockwise direction. This process can be repeated as often as the user need to. +
- +
-Additional menu options Edit (canvas) +
-• Centre centering the image on the canvas +
-• Filter selection of filters for image representation +
-§ Nearest +
-§ Linear +
-§ Spline +
-§ Lanczos +
-§ Mitchell +
-• Zoom for zooming in and out +
-• Image processing Functions for image manipulation (see section 3.3) +
-• Cut and paste to cut and paste a region marked by the mouse (keep right button pressed and shift mouse) +
-• Toolbar image editing +
- +
-      +
-Figure 7. Canvas                Figure 8. Toolbar +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
-=====3.1 Colour indication and defining of limit values for object identification===== +
- +
-Colour representation : +
-When moving the mouse pointer over an image the colour ratio of the touched pixels will be shown in the fields Red, Green and Blue. To define a colour average of the relevant pixels keep the key STRG pressed simultaneously. The automatically calculated  average value will be buffered and also displayed in the fields Red, Green and Blue. Please press the key S to load the calculated average colour value into the window Limit values for object identification. +
- +
- +
- +
-  +
-Figure 9. Average colour values and positive/negative maximum values +
- +
-To apply the values shown in the fields Red, Green and Blue to the object identification you have to press the button Add ( see figure 9 ). The colour values and the reached minimum and/or maximum values are inserted into the table and are considered for the object identification. Generally it is possible to add more values here. +
- +
-When moving across the object it is advisable to enlarge the image in order to avoid to cross the object edge. +
-Please note : Press the key R to delete all entries of the colour value buffer. So a new average colour value can be defined. +
- +
-The procedure just described can be carried out also directly in the mask Limit values for object identification. Look for the desired image detail ( if necessary zoom in ), keep the key STRG pressed and move with your mouse pointer across the part of the image whose limit value have to be determined. The result will be displayed in the right window by pressing the key S ( the option Preview has to be activated before).  To see the result already when moving the mouse across the image area you have to activate the option Apply limit values immediately. If the values shown in the fields Red, Green and Blue are to be used for the object identification, then please press the button Add. +
-  +
-  +
-Figure 10. Analysis of three image regions and determination of the corresponding tolerance values for object identification +
- +
- +
-Background identification : +
-The determination of the entire object area requires a differentiation from background.  +
-Proceed analogously to the method described in section Colour representation and save all determined background colour values in the list Limit values for background identification. +
- +
- +
-Automatic extension of limit values: +
- +
-Please note, for this function an active background recognition is essential. +
- +
-This function analyses all pixels (yellow), which could not be classified  +
-and tries to assign it automatically to one of the two groups (object or +
-background). Can an assignment be made the limit values of the corresponding +
-group will be extended in a way that the pixel matches the group. +
- +
-By activating the option "With distance consideration" also pixels can +
-be classified where an assignement of two colours in both groups would +
-be possible. In that case the choice of the group will  +
-be made on the base of the minor distance of the third colour. +
- +
-Select the checkbox "Restrict search area" in order to reduce the analysed image area of this function. In this case not the entire image will be analysed, but only the visible area in the left window. The image section can be modified using zoom and scrollbar. +
- +
- +
- +
- +
-Greyscale representation: +
-Principally the procedure is identically to those described before. Instead of the three basic colour values a grey tone is shown. Here not the colour average of the relevant pixels is determined, but the maximum value.  +
- +
-  +
-Figure 11. Limit value for object identification in greyscale representation +
- +
-In figure 11 you can see some defined limit values for the identification of very dark (0-50) and bright (200-255) objects. +
- +
-Black-and-white representations: +
-Only objects with a greytone of 0 (black) are identified. All other values are ignored. +
- +
-=====3.2 Apply limit values to images===== +
- +
-In order to apply the determined limit values (see chapter 3.1) to the image you have to activate the checkbox Apply limit values to the image.  A computation process starts and the result is shown in form of a black/yellow representation. Black means, that the object could be identified and used for the analysis. To check the identified objects you can press the button Original Image or the key \[O\]. So you can switch between both representations (original and black/yellow) very quickly.  +
- +
-    +
-Figure 12. Original image and object identification +
-Areas represented in grey had been identified as the background. This area will not be considered for the analysis (object area computation). The total object area (yellow and black) will be schown in the lower status bar. +
- +
- +
- +
-=====3.3 Image Processing===== +
- +
-The program offers a large number of filters and functions to adapt the image optimally for an analysis.  +
- +
-Filters and functions: +
-  +
-Uniform smoothing +
-Gaussian smoothing +
-Enhanced focus +
-Enhanced detail +
-Lighten +
-Darken +
-Emboss filter +
-Horizontal edge detection +
-Vertical edge detection +
-Edge detection +
-Grayscale conversion +
-Black and white conversion +
-Soft-drawing +
-Contraste +
-Sharpen +
-Relief  +
-Blur +
-Reduce colors +
- +
-  +
-Figure 12.1 Image processing +
- +
-The specific filters and functions can be selected from a ComboBox. The choosen filter is entered on a list and immediately applied to the image, is Option "Preview" is enabled. Any number of filters can be selected. Even the same filter can be selected more than once.The processing of the list of filters is always from top to bottom. That means, the resulting image of the first filter will be the input image of the next filter and so on. The order of the list can be changed by using the Position-Buttons or via the Popup menu (right mouse button). If only one filter in the list is marked, the result image of this filter is shown. But any number of filters can be marked.  +
-If the "Apply" button is pressed, all filters/functions of the list will be applied. The resulting image is provided for the main program. The list selection will than be ignored. +
- +
- +
-======4. Analysis functions====== +
- +
-=====4.1 Area===== +
- +
-The area of all identified objects of the image is computed and displayed considering the selected unit of measurement (see chapter 6.2). The computation can be restarted by pressing the button Reset. +
-An image detail can be picked for a more precise analysis. Mark the desired image detail with the right mouse button keep pressed or use the menu item Edit Cut and paste.  +
- +
-Within the representation of the applied limit values it is possible to click directly on the objects of interest. The corresponding area is computed and the selected object is displayed in another colour (Red). Furthermore the number of pixels is shown in the lower status bar. This value will be used in the process of an automatic object counting. +
-Additionally you have the ability to research a custom area with a free-hand-drawing tool. +
- +
-  +
-Figure 13. Area computation of an object +
- +
- +
- +
- +
-====4.1.1 Output of determined object areas according size groups==== +
-  +
-This function checks all determined object areas of the image and +
-arranges them according to size. To call this function please +
-press the key \’Calculate\’ in the toolbar for object counting (see +
-chapter 4.4). Object areas which do not meet the specified +
-criterias for minimum and maximum number of pixels are not included +
-in the output. +
- +
-  +
-Figure : Option \’Output of object areas according size groups\’ +
- +
-The dimensions of the used size groups are freely selectable. +
-For that the desired number of pixels is to be specified  +
-(the resulting area value is displayed in brackets). The total +
-number of size groups then results from the largest object of the image. +
-  +
-For example:  +
-Number of pixels of the largest object: 8680 pixel +
-dimension of classes in pixel: 500 (14,33 mm²) +
-18 size groups will be generated. +
- +
- +
-    +
-Figure: Output of the area analysis +
- +
- +
-=====4.2 Density===== +
- +
-This function computes the proportion from object area (all identified object) to total image area. Press the button Computate (available only in mode yellow/black representation) to start this process. In general it provides the proportion from the object area ( yellow and black ) to the determined area (black). If you did mark single objects (by mouse click) then the proportion from the marked objects to the total object area (yellow and black) is provided. +
- +
- +
-=====4.3 Length===== +
- +
-A manual measurement of the object length can be made by the left mouse button keeping pressed. The length of the covered line will be shown in the field Length depending on the defined unit of measurement.  +
-All measured values will be added simultaneously in the field Total. Press the button Reset in order to reset the calculated value.  +
- +
-To start an automatic calculation of the length of all identified objects please press the button Calculate (only available in the yellow / black representation ). As a result you will see the contours of the corresponding objects on the image (see chapter Length determination of plant roots ). Again you can use the free-hand-drawing tool for custom areas in this view. +
- +
-  +
-Figure 14. Automatic object length calculation +
- +
- +
-===== 4.4 Object counting===== +
- +
-With this function all identified objects can be counted automatically. The number of objects can be reduced by using the options Minimum number of pixels per object and  Maximum number of pixels per object . Click on the single object to determine its number of pixels. +
- +
-  +
-Figure 15. Object counting +
- +
- +
-This function is only available in the yellow / black representation. All counted objects can be displayed in red colour by pressing the button Show objects.  +
-Additionally you have the ability to research a custom area with a free-hand-drawing tool. +
-Furthermore it is possible to restrict the counting area by using the right mouse button. +
-If you want to restrict the counting area permanently please select the option +
-"Limit object counting to the scale of the measurement range" in the menu +
-(Figure : Option \’Output of object areas according size groups\’ Page 18). +
- +
-  +
-Figure 16. Presentation of the counted objects +
- +
-====4.4.1 Settings for object counting of overlapping objects==== +
- +
-The separation of overlapping object can be made by comparison of either object surfaces or intensities. In addition, there is the possibility to separate circular or ellipsoidal objects by means of object recognition. +
- +
-  +
-Figure 17. Settings for object separation +
- +
- +
-==== Separation of overlapping objects by object area comparison==== +
- +
-The reference area can be specified by hand. The specification is made in pixel. It\’s best to click on the reference object within the yellow/black presentation to determine the number of object pixels and to fill it into the corresponding field automatically. +
- +
-The second possibility for specifying a reference area is to determine either the average value or the median of the object areas. All objects fulfilling the conditions described in chapter 4.4 are now compared with the reference area.  Whole divisors are increasing the object counter, the remainder will be treated depending on similarity defaults (sliding control). +
- +
- +
-  +
-Figure 18. Object separation  by using the average value of object areas +
- +
- +
-==== Separation of overlapping objects by intensity comparison==== +
- +
-Another way for counting overlapping objects is by using the object intensity. This option is available individually or combined with area separation (chapter or object recognition (chapter Completely overlapping objects so can be counted separately providing that the resulting intensity differs from the intensity of the single objects. +
- +
-If both options (intensity and object area) are used the separation by object area comparison takes priority. This means that only objects are treated by intensity comparison which could not be separated by object area comparison. The sensitivity of the intensity comparison (total intensity of all objects, AVG and/or median) to the average object intensity can be controlled by means of a sliding control.  +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
-==== Separation of overlapping objects by object recognition  (circle or ellipse) ==== +
- +
-  +
-Figure 18 a : Object recognition +
- +
-Overlapping circular objects can be identified by the detection of irregularities in object shape. A fault tolerance can be defined for small deviations (eg caused by an uneven object surface). Only after exceeding this value a deviation of the direction will be classified as a new object. +
-  +
- +
-=====4.5 Number of intersection points with a raster===== +
- +
-Here the intersection points of the objects with a raster are determined. The raster distance is selectable. This is used for instance for the determination of root length after Tennant.  +
-(Tennant D (1975) A test of a modified line intersect method of estimating root length) +
- +
-Switch into raster mode:  +
- +
-  +
-Figure 19. Selection of analysis method +
- +
-The raster parameters can be set with the menu item Options > Raster width.  +
- +
-The counted intersections are marked red in the raster. The raster is put automatically over the image when pressing the button Reset or with image change. The raster can be deleted by pressing the left mouse button. It is also possible to count only within a part of the image. Mark the desired part with the right mouse button (see also chapter 6.3). +
- +
-  +
-Figure 20. Image with counted intersection points  +
- +
- +
-=====4.6 Manual counter===== +
- +
-Here the objects can be counted manually (see also chapter 6.9). +
-  +
-Figure 21.: Scan method manual counter +
- +
- +
-Please select Options > Scan method> Manual counter . +
-Afterwards you can specify the size of marking with Options > Marker. This is a circle, which is drawn around the clicked area. The colour of marking can be set over Options > Marker > Colour for marking.  +
-  +
-With every left mouse button click the corresponding position will be marked and the counter counted up. The last counting can be reset if you press the Button Undo. +
-Please press the button Reset if you want to delete the image and counter. +
- +
-  +
-Figure 22.: Manually counted cell nucleus +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
-======5. Colour distribution====== +
- +
-This function provides an analysis of the colour distribution of  the working space. This can be helpful to determine the limit values for object identification. +
- +
- +
-  +
-Figure 23. Colour distribution 3D view +
- +
-The „Maneuvering " within the representation can be done over a bar of buttons or by mouse. +
- +
-   +
-Figure 24. Button bar +
- +
-For zooming in and out please use the corresponding loupe buttons. For marking a specific part you have to mark it by mouse with the left button keep pressed.  +
-For scrolling please use either the corresponding arrow buttons or the mouse function when keeping the right button pressed. +
- +
-A changing between work space and colour distribution view can be made by the menu options Extras > Determine colour distribution or Extras > Show work space. +
- +
- +
-======6. Settings====== +
- +
-=====6.1 Limit values for object identification===== +
- +
-All limit values for object identification determined manually or automatically for the colour and/or grey tone analysis can be managed here(see 2.3.1). The values are stored at the  end of the program and loaded automatically with the next start. +
- +
- +
- +
- +
-=====6.2 Units===== +
- +
-The following units of measurement for the output of the result can be selected : meter, millimetre, centimetre and/or inch. +
- +
-=====6.3 Cursor and raster===== +
- +
-When marking an image region or measuring the object length by mouse, the marked region is drawn. These markings get lost when releasing the mouse button. To show it permanently use this menu option. +
- +
-When counting intersection points the raster used is placed on the image. The drawing can be switched off too. +
- +
- +
-=====6.4 White balance===== +
- +
-With this function an automatic image import is made by the selected device. No objects should be located on the image. The maximum values of the found pixels (grey tone) are indicated and can be used for a better definition of limit values in the process of the object identification. Ideally the value should be 255 (white) for a scanner, that means no objects (e.g. dust) was found. If the determined value should be smaller than 255, then an object identification is only possible below the measured value. +
- +
-For example :     +
- +
-  +
- +
-  +
-Figure 25. Recommended threshold value for object identification +
- +
-A detailed evaluation can be made by the chart of the colour distribution (see also chapter 5). +
- +
-   +
-Figure 26. Colour distribution - total and a range around the grey tone 74 +
- +
- +
-=====6.5 Language===== +
- +
-The offered program languages are German and English.  +
- +
- +
-=====6.6 Dpi and colour depth===== +
- +
-To set the required  resolution and colour depth you can use this menu item. +
-When creating images by a twain interface or loading MYP images this will be done automatically. The loading of formats like BMP and JPEG requires a manual input of these values. The results of the analysis depends directly on the parameter settings for image resolution  +
- +
-  +
-Figure 27. Resolution and colour depth +
- +
- +
-=====6.7 Magnification coefficient===== +
- +
-The magnification coefficient as well has a big influence on the analysis results. The manual input is required if images are created by a microscope or a digital camera (see chapter 2.3). +
- +
- +
- +
- +
-=====6.8 Scan method===== +
- +
-Use this menu item to select one o the following analysis method : +
-\* 2D area calculation or  +
-\* counting raster intersection points (see chapters 4.1 and 4.5). +
- +
- +
-=====6.9 Save image data===== +
- +
-If this option is selected, the user will be requested for saving the image date after scanning or creating. So the original image data can be stored automatically. +
- +
- +
-======7. Extra====== +
- +
-=====7.1 Cut and count===== +
- +
-This menu item provides a tool for the manual counting of image objects. The current image file will be divided into subframes according to the setting given in field Cut after. +
- +
-  +
-Figure 28. Setting for image cutting +
- +
-Press the button Cut in order to cut the image and to reset the counter readings. +
- +
-  +
-Figure 29. Cut and count +
- +
-All subframes are listed in the left scrollbox. The active frame marked with a red border will be displayed on the work space. +
-In the example shown in figure 29 the image was cut into 15 subframes. By means of the keys 5 (forward) and 4 (back) a change of the active subframe is possible. The counter will be updated by the keys + or -.  +
-All functions can be controlled over a popup menu. +
- +
-   +
-Figure 30. Popup menu – right mouse button +
- +
-Press the button Reset counter in order to reset the counter of the active subframe. +
- +
-  +
- +
-The total counter reading will be shown after reaching the last subframe. +
- +
- +
- +
-=====7.2 Calibrate===== +
- +
-With the help of this function the DPI parameters can be matched with the actual proportions. +
-This will be necessary for instance if the magnification factor of a digital camera is unknown. An image containing a scale is needed here (see figure 31). +
- +
-  +
-Figure 31. Image calibration by scale +
-1. Select calibration distance and unit  +
-2. Press the left mouse button and go along the line +
-3. Press the button Finish+