This is an old revision of the document!


Here you can set your custom rules that will mark an E-Mail as Valid/Not Valid or Unsure. If you are e.g. not interested in verifying * addressed, you can add that Mask and set it to “Do not load”.

SMTP-Servers will reply with a message. Some tell the program that the E-Mail is valid, others say it's not. You can define that here in case you have some replies that are not defined already. Please also contact us and tell us the missing once.

An SMTP-Server can also reply with a message that is not telling us that an E-Mail is valid or not but tells the program that that server will probably never allow us to verify E-Mails. If thats the case and one of the entered masks is matching, it will no longer be used for verification and all emails belonging to that server will be tagged as Unsure. Again, if you think we are missing some masks here, add them and contact us please to update the software.