====== Add Images ======
===== Search by Keyword =====
The best part of the tool is that it comes with many scrapers build in (over 50 by now) to get free stock images. Please make your selection as in the screenshot above.
* **Keywords**: define the keywords here, one per line. You can also use them in quotes to be more specific.
* **Scrapers to use**: please select them carefully here as they later define how you can use the images found. Not all will get you free images.
* **Maximum pages to parse per keyword**: you should leave that set to 0 to get them all, else set it to your desired number to only get a couple.
Once you hit the OK button, the program starts scraping for images. When doing that, it also checks for your [[image_spider:options|settings]] to only get what you want.
===== Parse URLs =====
You can of course also scrape custom URLs that you can input here.
The settings as seen above are really simple and should be self-explanatory.
One special syntax can be used for URLs as follow:
* RED: start counter
* GREEN: end number
* BLUE: how to increase number in start (default is 1)