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email_spider:email_provider_settings [2016-03-09 09:25] svenemail_spider:email_provider_settings [2022-06-26 10:45] sven
Line 8: Line 8:
 ^ Provider                ^ POP3-Server : Port         ^ SMTP-Server : Port          ^ Login      ^ ^ Provider                ^ POP3-Server : Port         ^ SMTP-Server : Port          ^ Login      ^
-@Snow:**aikQ Mail**\\ user@aikq.de| @Snow:aikq.de:110                | @Snow:aikq.de:25                  | @Snow:full email | +| **aikQ Mail**\\ user@aikq.de| aikq.de:110                | aikq.de:25                  | full email | 
-@Ivory:**AOL**\\ user@aol.com      | @Ivory:pop.aol.com:110            | @Ivory:smtp.de.aol.com:587         @Ivory:user name before @ | +| **AOL**\\ user@aol.com      | pop.aol.com:110            | smtp.de.aol.com:587         | user name before @ | 
-@Snow:**AOL**\\ user@aol.de\\ user@aim.com| @Snow:pop.aim.com:110    | @Snow:smtp.aim.com:587            | @Snow:user name before @ | +| **AOL**\\ user@aol.de\\ user@aim.com| pop.aim.com:110    | smtp.aim.com:587            | user name before @ | 
-@Ivory:**Arcor**\\ user@arcor.de| @Ivory:pop3.arcor.de:110            | @Ivory:mail.arcor.de:25            | @Ivory:user name before @ |  +| **Arcor**\\ user@arcor.de| pop3.arcor.de:110            | mail.arcor.de:25            | user name before @ |  
-@Snow:**directBOX**\\ user@directbox.com | @Snow:pop3.directbox.com:110 | @Snow:smtp.directbox.com:25 | @Snow:full email | +| **directBOX**\\ user@directbox.com | pop3.directbox.com:110 | smtp.directbox.com:25 | full email | 
-@Ivory:**freenetMail**\\ user@freenet.de | @Ivory:mx.freenet.de:110 | @Ivory:mx.freenet.de:587 | @Ivory:full email | +| **freenetMail**\\ user@freenet.de | mx.freenet.de:110 | mx.freenet.de:587 | full email | 
-@Ivory:You have to enable smtp usage in options when logged in.|||| +| You have to enable smtp usage in options when logged in.|||| 
-@Snow:**Gmail**\\ user@gmail.com\\ user@googlemail.com | @Snow:pop.gmail.com:995 | @Snow:smtp.gmail.com:465 | @Snow:full email |  +| **Gmail**\\ user@gmail.com\\ user@googlemail.com | pop.gmail.com:995 | smtp.gmail.com:465 | full email |  
-| You have to enable pop3/smtp usage in options when logged in. / Also you might have to open [[https://www.google.com/settings/security/lesssecureapps|this URL]] to change security||||. +<color #ed1c24>You have to enable pop3/smtp usage in options when logged in. / For password use **[[gmail_app_password|APP Password]]** what you have to define and not the gmail password</color>||||. 
-@Ivory:**GMX**\\ user@gmx.net\\ user@gmx.de | @Ivory:pop.gmx.net:110 (Port 995 when using SSL) |@Ivory:mail.gmx.net:25 (Port 587 or 465 when using SSL) | @Ivory:user name before @ | +| **GMX**\\ user@gmx.net\\ user@gmx.de | pop.gmx.net:110 (Port 995 when using SSL) |mail.gmx.net:25 (Port 587 or 465 when using SSL) | user name before @ | 
-@Snow:**Hotmail** user@hotmail.*\\ user@live.com\\ user@outlook.com\\ user@msn.com | @Snow:pop3.live.com:995 | @Snow:smtp.live.com:25 @Snow:full email | +| **Hotmail** user@hotmail.*\\ user@live.com\\ user@outlook.com\\ user@msn.com | pop3.live.com:995 | smtp.office365.com:587 | full email | 
-@Snow:SSL must be enabled |||| +| SSL must be enabled + You have to enable pop3/smtp usage in options when logged in.|||| 
-@Ivory:**mail.de**\\ user@mail.de | @Ivory:pop.mail.de:995 | @Ivory:smtp.mail.de:587 | @Ivory:full email |  +| **mail.de**\\ user@mail.de | pop.mail.de:995 | smtp.mail.de:587 | full email |  
-@Ivory:SSL must be enabled|||| +| SSL must be enabled|||| 
-@Snow:**mail.ru**\\ user@mail.de | @Ivory:pop.mail.ru:995 | @Ivory:smtp.mail.ru:465 | @Ivory:full email |  +| **mail.ru**\\ user@mail.de | pop.mail.ru:995 | smtp.mail.ru:465 | full email |  
-@Ivory:**Smart-Mail**\\ user@smart-mail.de | @Ivory:pop.smart-mail.de:110 | @Ivory:smtp.smart-mail.de:25 | @Ivory:full email | +| **Smart-Mail**\\ user@smart-mail.de | pop.smart-mail.de:110 | smtp.smart-mail.de:25 | full email | 
-@Snow:**SX Mail**\\ user@sxmail.de | @Snow:sxmail.de:110 | @Snow:sxmail.de:25 | @Snow:full email |  +| **SX Mail**\\ user@sxmail.de | sxmail.de:110 | sxmail.de:25 | full email |  
-@Snow:SSL might be possible|||| +| SSL might be possible|||| 
-@Ivory:**WEB.DE**\\ user@web.de | @Ivory:pop3.web.de:110 | @Ivory:smtp.web.de:25 | @Ivory:user name before @ |  +| **WEB.DE**\\ user@web.de | pop3.web.de:110 | smtp.web.de:25 | user name before @ |  
-@Snow:**webmail.de**\\ user@webmail.de | @Snow:pop.webmail.de:110 | @Snow:smtp.webmail.de:25 | @Snow:user name before @ |  +| **webmail.de**\\ user@webmail.de | pop.webmail.de:110 | smtp.webmail.de:25 | user name before @ |  
-@Ivory:**Yahoo! Mail**\\ user@yahoo.* | @Ivory:pop.mail.yahoo.com:110 | @Ivory:smtp.mail.yahoo.com:25 | @Ivory:user name before @ |  +| **Yahoo! Mail**\\ user@yahoo.* | pop.mail.yahoo.com:110 | smtp.mail.yahoo.com:25 | user name before @ |  
-@Ivory:You have to enable pop3/smtp usage in options when logged in. Some emails allow access through pop3/smtp only when paying for it||||  +<color #ed1c24>You have to enable pop3/smtp usage in options when logged in. / Also you might have to open [[https://help.yahoo.com/kb/mail-for-desktop/SLN27791.html|this URL]] to change security</color> Some emails allow access through pop3/smtp only when paying for it||||  
-@Snow:**Alice DSL**\\ user@allice.de | @Snow:pop3.alice.de:110 | @Snow:smtp.alice.de:25 | @Snow:full email |  +| **Alice DSL**\\ user@allice.de | pop3.alice.de:110 | smtp.alice.de:25 | full email |  
-@Ivory:**Chello**\\ user@chello.at | @Ivory:pop.chello.at:110 | @Ivory:mgate.chello.at:25 | @Ivory:user name before @ |  +| **Chello**\\ user@chello.at | pop.chello.at:110 | mgate.chello.at:25 | user name before @ |  
-@Ivory:Usage is only possible when using Chello (UPC-Telekabel) as Internet provider.||||  +| Usage is only possible when using Chello (UPC-Telekabel) as Internet provider.||||  
-@Snow:**Kabel BW**\\ user@kabelbw.de | @Snow:pop.kabelbw.de:110 | @Snow:smtp.kabelbw.de:25 | @Snow:full email | +| **Kabel BW**\\ user@kabelbw.de | pop.kabelbw.de:110 | smtp.kabelbw.de:25 | full email | 
-@Ivory:**Kabel Deutschland**\\ user@kabelmail.de\\ user@owndowmai.com | @Ivory:pop3.kabelmail.de:110 | @Ivory:smtp.kabelmail.de:25 | @Ivory:full email |  +| **Kabel Deutschland**\\ user@kabelmail.de\\ user@owndowmai.com | pop3.kabelmail.de:110 | smtp.kabelmail.de:25 | full email |  
-@Ivory:Usage is only possible when using Kabel Deutschland as Internet provider.|||| +| Usage is only possible when using Kabel Deutschland as Internet provider.|||| 
-@Snow:**NetCologne**\\ user@netcologne.de | @Snow:pop3.netcologne.de:995 | @Snow:smtp.netcologne.de:465 | @Snow:user name nc-xxxx |  +| **NetCologne**\\ user@netcologne.de | pop3.netcologne.de:995 | smtp.netcologne.de:465 | user name nc-xxxx |  
-@Snow:SSL must be enabled|||| +| SSL must be enabled|||| 
-@Ivory:**O2 Online**\\ user@@o2online.de| @Ivory:pop3.o2online.de:110 | @Ivory:smtp.o2online.de:25 | @Ivory:full name | +| **O2 Online**\\ user@@o2online.de| pop3.o2online.de:110 | smtp.o2online.de:25 | full name | 
-@Snow:**T-Online**\\ user@t-online.de | @Snow:popmail.t-online.de:110 | @Snow:smtpmail.t-online.de:25 | @Snow:full email |  +| **T-Online**\\ user@t-online.de | popmail.t-online.de:110 | smtpmail.t-online.de:25 | full email |  
-@Snow:More details on http://www.t-online.de/email/server/|||| +| More details on http://www.t-online.de/email/server/|||| 
-@Ivory:**Unitymedia**\\ user@unitybox.de | @Ivory:mail.unitybox.de:110 | @Ivory:mail.unitybox.de:25 | @Ivory:full email | +| **Unitymedia**\\ user@unitybox.de | mail.unitybox.de:110 | mail.unitybox.de:25 | full email | 
-@Snow:**Vodafone DSL**\\ user@vodafone.de | @Snow:pop.uc.vodafone.de:110 | @Snow:smtp.uc.vodafone.de| @Snow:user name before @ | +| **Vodafone DSL**\\ user@vodafone.de | pop.uc.vodafone.de:110 | smtp.uc.vodafone.de| user name before @ | 
-@Ivory:**Vodafone MobileMail**\\ user@vodafone.de | @Ivory:pop.email.vodafone.de:110 | @Ivory:smtp.email.vodafone.de:25 | @Ivory:full email | +| **Vodafone MobileMail**\\ user@vodafone.de | pop.email.vodafone.de:110 | smtp.email.vodafone.de:25 | full email | 
-@Snow:**1&1 Hosting** | @Snow:pop.1und1.de:110 | @Snow:smtp.1und1.de:25 | @Snow:full email | +| **1&1 Hosting** | pop.1und1.de:110 | smtp.1und1.de:25 | full email | 
-@Ivory:all-inkl.com | @Ivory:pop3.YourDomain.xyz:110 | @Ivory:smtp.YourDomain.xyz:25 | @Ivory:user name |  +| all-inkl.com | pop3.YourDomain.xyz:110 | smtp.YourDomain.xyz:25 | user name |  
-@Snow:**domainFACTORY** | @Snow:pop3.YourDomain.xyz:110 | @Snow:smtp.YourDomain.xyz:25 | @Snow:user name | +| **domainFACTORY** | pop3.YourDomain.xyz:110 | smtp.YourDomain.xyz:25 | user name | 
-@Ivory:**Domainunion** | @Ivory:pop.YourDomain.xyz:110 | @Ivory:smtp.YourDomain.xyz:25 | @Ivory:full email | +| **Domainunion** | pop.YourDomain.xyz:110 | smtp.YourDomain.xyz:25 | full email | 
-@Snow:**goneo** | @Snow:pop.goneo.de:110 | @Snow:smtp.goneo.de:25 | @Snow:full email | +| **goneo** | pop.goneo.de:110 | smtp.goneo.de:25 | full email | 
-@Ivory:**Host Europe** | @Ivory:mail.YourDomain.xyz:110 | @Ivory:mailout.YourDomain.xyz:25 | @Ivory:user name | +| **Host Europe** | mail.YourDomain.xyz:110 | mailout.YourDomain.xyz:25 | user name | 
-@Snow:**Kontent** |  @Snow:pop.kontent.com:110 | @Snow:smtp.kontent.com:25 | @Snow:user name | +| **Kontent** |  pop.kontent.com:110 | smtp.kontent.com:25 | user name | 
-@Ivory:**one.com** | @Ivory:pop.YourDomain.xyz:110 | @Ivory:send.one.com:25 | @Ivory:full email | +| **one.com** | pop.YourDomain.xyz:110 | send.one.com:25 | full email | 
-@Snow:**prosite.de** |  @Snow:pop.YourDomain.xyz:110 | @Snow:smtp.YourDomain.xyz:25 | @Snow:full email |  +| **prosite.de** |  pop.YourDomain.xyz:110 | smtp.YourDomain.xyz:25 | full email |  
-@Snow:More details on http://www.prosite.de/faq/index.php?action=artikel&cat=1&id=37&artlang=de|||| +| More details on http://www.prosite.de/faq/index.php?action=artikel&cat=1&id=37&artlang=de|||| 
-@Ivory:**Strato** | @Ivory:pop3.strato.de:110 | @Ivory:smtp.strato.de:25 | @Ivory:full email | +| **Strato** | pop3.strato.de:110 | smtp.strato.de:25 | full email | 
-@Snow:**UD Media** | @Snow:mail.YourDomain.xyz:110 | @Snow:mail.YourDomain.xyz:587 | @Snow:user name |  +| **UD Media** | mail.YourDomain.xyz:110 | mail.YourDomain.xyz:587 | user name |  
-@Snow:Must use SSL||||  +| Must use SSL||||  
-@Ivory:**WebGo24** |  @Ivory:YourDomain.xyz:110 | @Ivory:YourDomain.xyz:25 | @Ivory:user name web<color red>WWW</color>p<color green>S</color> |  +| **WebGo24** |  YourDomain.xyz:110 | YourDomain.xyz:25 | user name web<color red>WWW</color>p<color green>S</color> |  
-@Ivory:<color red>WWW</color> is your Webnumber, <color green>S</color> is the number of your mail slot|||| +| <color red>WWW</color> is your Webnumber, <color green>S</color> is the number of your mail slot|||| 
-@Snow:**Webhostone** | @Snow:YourDomain.xyz:110 | @Snow:YourDomain.xyz:25 | @Snow:user name | +| **Webhostone** | YourDomain.xyz:110 | YourDomain.xyz:25 | user name | 
-@Ivory:**RediffMail** | @Ivory:pop.rediffmail.com:110 | @Ivory:smtp.rediffmail.com:25 | @Ivory:user name before @ |+| **RediffMail** | pop.rediffmail.com:110 | smtp.rediffmail.com:25 | user name before @ |
 +===== GMail App Password =====
 +Whenever accessing your gmail account, you are forced to use a so called **APP Password** and **NOT** the one from your google/gmail account.
 +You can configure it with the following steps:
 +  - Visit the [[https://myaccount.google.com/|myaccount.google.com]] page (make sure you are logged in to your gmail account)
 +  - Click the left sidebar menu Security > and look for App passwords
 +  - Select App: Mail, Device: Other, name it: SMTP (example), Click GENERATE and yo get the app password