{{indexmenu_n>7}} ====== Start/Stop/Scheduler ====== To automate your backlinking, right click on each project in the project pane and set each status to Active. {{:search_engine_ranker:project-change-status.jpg|}} Click on the Start button in the toolbar to begin execution. {{:search_engine_ranker:project-start.jpg|}} To stop backlink automation, click on the Stop button. {{:search_engine_ranker:project-stop.jpg|}} The Scheduler is accessable by the down arrow next to the Start/Stop button. {{:search_engine_ranker:ser_scheduler.png|}} You can on the next dialog configure it to start either at a set time or only run projects for a set number of minutes before switching to another one. {{:search_engine_ranker:ser_scheduler2.png|}}