You are able to auto apply filters the all images when exporting then hard disk. This is very easy as explained below:
First you can choose a FilterSet from the combobox as seen in the above screenshot (in there you have a set chosen called Color Modification). Of course it makes sense to create your own FilterSet when you experiment here (click on EDIT).
Resize (percent): change size of the image in percent (<100% to shrink, >100% to enlarge)
Resize (pixel): change size based on a fixed size in pixel (keep aspect ratio optional)
Add Border: adds a border to the image of your chosen color
Shave: removes certain parts from the borders of the image
Rotate: rotates the image to left/right in degree
Flip Horizontally: flips the image horizontally
Flip Vertically: flips the image vertically
Swap Red↔Green: swap all red colors against green once
Swap Red↔Blue: swaps all red colors against blue once
Swap Green↔Blue: swaps all green colors against blue once
Normalize: inspects the lightest and darkest part of the image and tries to change colors to have all the color spectrum there is
Grayscale: converts all colors to black and white (based on human eye)
Contrast: changes the contrast
Brightness: changes the brightness
Saturation: changes the saturation
AdjustHLS: adjust the Hue, Lightness and Saturation
AdjustHSV: adjust Hue, Saturation values
Blur: blurs the image
Sharp: sharpens the image
Text Label: adds a text to the image in your specified font name and color (transparent background)
Watermark Image: puts an image as watermark of the current one with a set transparency and position
A filter can also be applies for a single image when you right click on it in the listing and choose “Use Filter”.