====== Unsubscribe and Blacklist ====== Even though you are not sending emails yourself (it's done by the server script from that contact form), you still might want to use the following PHP-script on your website to collect domains of sites where you have sent a message but who are not interested. This would prevent any further problems and not send there again. Instructions are also in the script for further details. Edit Project ->Submission Content->Message add something like... Click the following link to unsubscribe: http://www.mywebsite.com/unsubscribe.php?d=%domain% 3. in GSA Website Contact -> Options -> Global Filter -> add the URL to your $blacklist_filename from below http://www.mywebsite.com/blacklist.txt */ $url_parameter_for_domain="d"; $blacklist_filename="blacklist.txt"; //the filename where it is stored and where the program can access it to read unsubscribed data //a message given to the user $message_title="Successfully unsubscribed"; $message_body="We apologize for any inconvenience. We will no longer contact you in the future."; $message_redirect_url=""; //if set, it will go to this URL after a short time //------------------ the code starts below ------------- echo ""; //check if a special GET parameter is present, if not, set it via javascript and reload //this prevents that bots will crawl this URL and add domains to the blacklist if((!isset($_GET['real'])) || ($_GET['real']!="yes")) { echo ""; } else { //get domain and validate $domain=$_GET[$url_parameter_for_domain]; if(($domain!="") && (preg_match('/^(?:[-A-Za-z0-9]+\.)+[A-Za-z]{2,6}$/',$domain))) { file_put_contents($blacklist_filename, $domain."\n",FILE_APPEND); } } //output some message echo " ".$message_title."\n". ' '."\n". ' '."\n". " \n"; if($message_redirect_url!="") echo ' '."\n"; echo " \n". " \n". "


\n". "


\n". " \n". ""; ?>